Lagu Los Dol Lirik

Lyrics Kapontren - Hallo on this occasion shared about the Lagu Los Dol Lirik which has made our needs and favorite yes certainly very needed as useful information.

My good friend and song lover exactly once you visit here certainly get something specific that can imitate the idol artist song that you like, just so that more clearly can see the song info below 3 Jul 2021.

Los Dol, ndang lanjut lehmu WhatsApp-an Cek paket datane yen entek tak tukokne Tenan, dek, elingo, yen mantan nakokno- Kabarmu, tandane iku ora rindu Nanging kangen keringet bareng awakmu
Lirik dan Chord Los Dol - Denny Caknan

My smart admin will give you a favorite favorite song lyrics kapontren friends make assistants who can accompany your days so meaningful important info about Lagu Los Dol Lirik. For more details do not hesitate to always visit this website yes sob, information about public songs every day 03/07/21 06.05

Understanding song lyrics is a word arrangement / series of words that are pitched, song lyrics are not as easy as composing a composition, but can be obtained from various inspirations. Inspiration itself can be gained from experiences in everyday life.

Understanding Song Lyrics According to Experts

There are several understandings of song lyrics according to experts, including:

According to Jan Van Luxemburg 1989 The definition of lyrics or lyrics of songs can be considered as poetry and vice versa and appropriate, such as the definition of poetry texts not only enough types of literature but also expressions that are advertising, proverbs, motto, prayers and poetry pop songs.

According to Awe 2003, p.51 Like a game of vocal style and deviation of the meaning of the word is a game of language in creating song lyrics. In addition, musical notations and melodies adapted to the lyrics are used to amplify the lyrics, which is so that the listener gets carried away with what the author thinks.

According to Littlejohn 1996 p.64 The sign or sign according to him is the basis of all communication.

According to Kurniawan 2001 p.53 While the so-called sign can be in the form of pictures or writings.

Song Function

While the function of the song can be used to spread the spirit as in times of struggle, unite differences, toy with one's emotions and feelings with the aim of instilling attitudes or values that people can then feel as a natural, true and appropriate thing.

Meaning of Song Lyrics

So to find the meaning of the message in the lyrics of the song, used semiotic method which in fact is a field of science that learns about the sign system. Starting from how the sign is interpreted, influenced by perception and culture, and how the sign helps humans interpret the surrounding situation. The sign according to Littlejohn is the basis of all communication.

Lagu Los Dol Lirik

Los Dol

Denny Caknan


Los Dol, ndang lanjut lehmu WhatsApp-an

Cek paket datane yen entek tak tukokne

Tenan, dek, elingo, yen mantan nakokno-

Kabarmu, tandane iku ora rindu

Nanging kangen keringet bareng awakmu


Tak gawe los dol, blas aku ra rewel

Nyanding sliramu sing angel disetel

Tutuk-tutukno chattingan karo wong liyo

Rapopo, aku ra gelo


Kok tutup-tutupi? Nomere mbok ganti

Firasat ati angel diapusi

Senajan mbok ganti tukang las

Bakul sayur lan tukang gas

Titeni, bakale ngerti (oh-ah-oh-eh)


Los Dol, ndang lanjut lehmu WhatsApp-an

Cek paket datane yen entek tak tukokne

Tenan, dek, elingo, yen mantan nakokno-

Kabarmu, tandane iku ora rindu

Nanging kangen keringet bareng awakmu


Kok tutup-tutupi? Nomere mbok ganti

Firasat ati angel diapusi

Senajan mbok ganti tukang las

Bakul sayur lan tukang gas

Titeni, bakale ngerti (oh-ah-oh-eh)


Los Dol, ndang lanjut lehmu WhatsApp-an

Cek paket datane yen entek tak tukokne

Tenan, dek, elingo, yen mantan nakokno-

Kabarmu, tandane iku ora rindu


Los Dol, ndang lanjut lehmu WhatsApp-an

Cek paket datane yen entek tak tukokne

Tenan, dek, elingo, yen mantan nakokno-

Kabarmu, tandane iku ora rindu

Nanging kangen keringet bareng awakmu

Nanging kangen keringet bareng awakmu


Los Dol, ndang lanjut lehmu WhatsApp-an

Cek paket datane yen entek tak tukokne

Tenan, dek, elingo, yen mantan nakokno-

Kabarmu, tandane iku ora rindu

Nanging kangen keringet bareng awakmu

Denny Caknan - LOS DOL (Lirik)

How brother like that song do not be ashamed to inform yes elder brother Lagu Los Dol Lirik anything that can make friends happy even though grief must have a story deh! I wait yes friend hopefully useful greetings know friends :).

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