
Understanding Song Lyrics – Function, Meaning, Meaning, Experts: Song lyrics are a series of words that are pitched, song lyrics are not as easy as composing a composition, but can be obtained from various inspirations.

It's like an experience when we fall in love, sad and happy. The lyrics of the song can actually appear at any time when we think of something, it's just that what we think is not accompanied by tone or rhythm. Song lyrics are a series of words that are pitched, song lyrics are not as easy as composing a composition, but can be obtained from various inspirations. Inspiration itself can be gained from experiences in everyday life.

About Song Lyrics

And broadly Song Lyrics is an expression of a person about something that has been seen, heard or experienced. In expressing his experience, the poet or songwriter performs puns and language to create an attraction and peculiarity to his lyrics or lyrics.

This language game can be a game of vocals, stylistics and deviations in the meaning of the word and strengthened by the use of melodies and musical notations tailored to the lyrics of the song so that the listener gets carried away with what the author thinks.

The definition of lyrics or lyrics song can be considered as poetry and vice versa. The same is said by Jan van Luxemburg (1989) that the definition of poetry texts includes not only literary types but also proverbial expressions, advertising messages, political mottos, pop song poems and prayers.